04 January 20252025 Game now open!
Happy new year everyone!

Speedway Fantasy League is back for its 20th consecutive year for the 2025 season and the game is now open for those of you that like to start pondering your teams nice and early*. Virtually all British speedway teams have completed their line-ups but, as ever, you can tinker with your teams as much as you like before the season begins.

There will be eight competitions up for grabs - The Main Standings, The BT Mushroom Cup, The Premiership, The Championship, The Spring League, The Summer League and The Autumn League.

Also back in 2025 (new for 2024) is the BFS (Buckle-Fairnell-Scott) Cup, very similar to the BT Mushroom Cup but teams will qualify from positions 65-128 of the Mushroom Cup qualification rounds. Thereafter it will be a straight knockout, just like the BT Mushroom Cup.

In addition you can still set up private leagues for you and your buddies. As ever, you can tinker with your team as much as you like up until the season begins without using up any of your transfers for the season.

Teams will still be built to a team total of 42 and normal top tier and second tier averages will apply for team building purposes.

Speedway Fantasy League is by far the most sophisticated and comprehensive game of its kind so don''t miss out on the fun!

Good luck everyone!